weight loss

weight loss

Menopause also known as the ‘change of life’ usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age it may very according to human nature. symptoms  may include fatigue, mood swings, night sweats, depression, insomnia and weight gain etc. During menopause increase in weight found in most of the women. Mostly around tummy. This may due to masturation process which is found in the women this is because ovaries stops making oestrogen. Due to this increase in weight occurs.
Most of the women found this problem of increased weight during menopause phase. And they apply different weight loss diets but still they cant able to get weight loss result. In this phase it became difficult to loose weight once it is gained. Women approximetly became 10 kg havier then she before.

HCG diet is one of the most favourite option that anybody can have during this phase, HCG diet not only assist this problem, but also helps to provide relief from other menopausal symptoms like fatigue.. Many women along with hormone replacement therapy also choose to do the HCG diet.

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