Seroquel Information

Our online pharmacy stocks quetiapine, the brand name of Seroquel which belongs to the anti-psychotic group of drugs. It is normally used for the treatment of psychotic diseases, and as such Seroquel is equally effective in treating Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder like mania. Such diseases are caused because of the improper balance of certain chemicals in the brain. Although doctors and researchers are still not sure about how Seroquel works, it is assumed that this drug functions by changing the balance of the respective chemicals in the brain. Already acclaimed as a potent psychotropic drug, Seroquel regulates the balance of chemicals present in the human brain. However, bear in mind that Seroquel can only help in reducing the number of symptoms resulting from neurological disorders like schizophrenia and mania. This anti-psychotic medication is not capable of curing these diseases. But taken regularly, the potential of this drug in bringing effective relief is well-assured. Buy Seroquel, as it can also be used by doctors in the treatment of other diseases.


Seroquel Warning

Seroquel may not work in the same proportions for all individuals. Dosage adjustments are required at times, keeping in mind the physical conditions of the patient. Therefore, in order to be on the safe side it is best to always inform your doctor regarding your physical conditions before taking this drug. It is in your best interest to let the doctor know if you have been or you are suffering from the following diseases:

As Seroquel is listed in the FDA Pregnancy Category C, it is not possible to say whether it can have harmful effects on the growing embryo. Also, it is not known whether this drug passes into the breast milk or not. But it is always recommended to consult a doctor before taking this drug during such delicate stages.
Also, consult your doctor if you are already using antidepressants, alcohol, antihistamines, sedatives, pain relievers, anxiety medicines, and muscle relaxants medication.

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Seroquel Usage Guidelines

Always rely on your doctor for the right usage guidelines. Normally Seroquel is taken with a full glass of water. You can take the anti-psychotic medication with or without food. Do not stop taking the drug all of a sudden, unless instructed otherwise by the doctor. Take special care while driving, operating machinery, or performing other hazardous activities after taking in Seroquel as this drug is known to cause drowsiness. It is recommended to give up alcohol habits during the medication as it increases the chances and frequency of drowsiness. Take in plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. Also, don’t take up rigorous exercise during hot weather, as Seroquel is known for increasing body temperature easily.

Seroquel Side Effects

There is no doubt regarding the beneficial effects of Seroquel in relieving patients suffering from Schizophrenia and mania. But the intake of this anti-psychotic medication can be followed by side effects of varying degrees. Side effects such as breathing trouble, closing of the throat, swelling of the lips, tongue or face can be fatal. The drug can also result in uncontrollable movements of the mouth, tongue, cheeks, jaw, arms or legs. Don’t ignore side effects such as fever, profuse sweating, severe muscle rigidity, confusion and fast or irregular heartbeats, as these could be initial symptoms of fatal Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. Intake of Seroquel can also lead to the formation of cataracts in eyes and altered vision.
The most common yet less detrimental side effects of Seroquel includes drowsiness, anxiety and agitation, unclear stool and constipation, dry mouth, sudden weight gain, high blood sugar level, quenching thirst and urination problems. Rush to your doctor immediately after you have noticed or experienced any of the above mentioned symptoms.

Seroquel Overdose

Seroquel is meant for the treatment of serious diseases and thus needs to be taken on a regular basis for effective results. Although no cases of Seroquel overdose with fatal consequences have been reported so far, doctors cannot rule out the possibilities of fatal effects. If you see any of the symptoms of Seroquel overdose like drowsiness, increased heart rates, and low blood pressure, rush to a doctor for an immediate remedy.
On the other hand, missing a dose of Seroquel is not harmful. Just pop in the dose as soon as you remember that you have missed one. But if it is already time for the next dose, carry on and take the scheduled one without any issues. Avoid taking double doses at all costs. Remember that the drug needs to be taken in proper doses regularly for best results.

Buy Seroquel

In some countries SEROQUEL may also be known as: Quetiapine, Vesparax, Norsic, Quel, Socalm, Ketrel, Alzen 

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